Bruce Pratt joins us for this week’s Sports Lit 101 to share his suggestions for some great holiday book pairings and gift ideas.
Abdi’s World by Abdi Abdirahman and Myles Schrag. Soulstice Press
Race Across America and The 1929 Bunion Derby by Charles Kastner. Nebraska
RE-Presenting Wilma Rudolph by Rita Liberti and Maureen Smith. Syracuse
Wheels of Courage How Paralyzed Veterans From WWII Invented Wheelchair Sports, Fought or Disability Rights and Inspired a Nation. David Davis Syracuse Univ Press
Dust Bowl Girls by Lydia Reeder Algonquin Books.
Canyon Dreams by Michael Powell Blue Rider Press
The Rebounders by Amanda Ottaway Nebraska
The Mighty Oak Jeff by Bens Blackstone Press
Twenty Miles Cara by Hedley Coach House Books
Night Work: The Sawchuck Poems, Randall Maggs Brick Books (New edition with Friend of Downtown Angie Abdou)
Deke, Dangle, Dive. by Gibson Fay LeBlanc CavanKerry Press
The Hockey Player Sonnets by John B. Lee Penumbra Press Canada
The Black Bonspiel of Willie MacCrimmon by W.O. Michell Douglas Books Canada This is available as a short story, novella and stage play—though it’s out of print and you’ll need to find it online it’s worth getting the novella for sure.
One Goal by Amy Bass Hachette Books
The Wolves a Play by Sarah DeLappe The Overlook Press
The Two Wheeled World of George B Thayer by Kevin J Hayes Nebraska
The Self Propelled Voyager by Duncan Jamison Rowan and Littlefield.
Gods of Wood and Stone by Mark DiIonio Touchstone Books
Escape From Castro’s Cuba and Castro’s Curveball by Tim Wendel.
The Best Team Over There by Jim Leeke Nebraska
Come Back Pitchers by Steve Steinberg and Lyle Spatz
Buzzie and The Bull by Ken LaZebnik Nebraska
The Wax Pack by Brad Balukjian Nebraska
Summer Baseball Nation by Will Geogehgan Nebraska
Collision of Wills by Jack Gilden Nebraska
Present at the Creation by Upton and Ron Borges Bell Nebraska
The League by Jerry Izenberg Basic Books
NFL Football (new edition) by Dick Crepeau University of Illinois Press
Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk by Ben Fountain Ecco-Harper Collins.